Sengoku 2

Playstation 4
Maj le 2023/04/09 14:55:06 parAlexandreRio

Nom du jeu : Sengoku 2

Plateforme : Playstation 4

Region : Europe (PAL)

Année de sortie : 2017

Genre : Beat'em All

Editeur : HAMSTER Corporation

Développeur : SNK

Nombre de joueurs : 1-2

Code Barre (EAN):

Synopsis : A sequel to Sengoku, Sengoku 2 once again casts you as two street fighting heroes caught in the midst of a supernatural attack by the undead forces of the evil Nobunaga from the Japanese sengoku period, although this time the game warps you through several time periods and locations to fight evil, from feudal Japan to WWII Europe. As in the original, the game plays as a standard 2D side-scrolling beat 'em up, in which you have to proceed through each stage killing all enemies that cross your path and defeating the stage boss to proceed. New for the sequel is the inclusion of swords as your default weapons, which now feature both high and low attacks, as well as a block move that allows you to parry enemy attacks. Collecting orbs gives you weapon upgrades and energy attacks, as well as the ability to morph into any of the three spirits released in the original which give you a new arsenal of moves and powers.

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