Strawberry Shortcake : Musical Match:ups

Atari 2600
Maj le 2020/05/07 18:29:30 parAlexandreRio

Nom du jeu : Strawberry Shortcake : Musical Match:ups

Plateforme : Atari 2600

Region : Europe (PAL)

Année de sortie : 1983

Genre : Ludo-Educatif

Editeur : Parker Brothers

Développeur : Parker Brothers

Nombre de joueurs : 1

Code Barre (EAN):

Synopsis : Strawberry Shortcake Musical Match-Ups is a puzzle game where you try to straighten out mixed up Strawberryland characters within a given time limit. When the game begins, a mixed up character will appear on the screen and you need to change the head, body, and legs until they are all from a single character. If a complete character is correctly formed, the character will perform a dance and you will hear their musical theme; if an incomplete character is formed, the musical theme heard will be partially from each of the characters you did create. Several levels of difficulty are included which dictate the time limit and which character needs to be created. In the easier levels, the character you must create will be indicated by text at the bottom of the screen. In the more difficult levels, you must create a character based on the theme song that plays.

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