Fire Fly

Atari 2600
Maj le 2020/05/10 16:56:28 parAlexandreRio

Nom du jeu : Fire Fly

Plateforme : Atari 2600

Region : Europe (PAL)

Année de sortie : 1983

Genre : Action

Editeur : Mythicon, Inc.

Développeur : Mythicon, Inc.

Nombre de joueurs : 1-2

Code Barre (EAN):

Synopsis : After your interplanetary craft accidentally enters a black hole, you find yourself in a different universe. This world is inhabited by strange, mechanical bug-like creatures. You find that this world contains both bad and good bugs; the good bugs have asked for your help, and you agree to defend them. Your first challenge is to rescue the Pixy; this is the last living creature on the planet and is guarded by a killer bee. Should you succeed, you next will need to fight off a variety of enemy creatures including a flaming pumpkin, demons, and coiled serpents. Each time you defeat the creatures on the screen, you can move to the right where a new challenge (and bonus) awaits! After you complete all of the screens of bad bugs, then the game repeats at a tougher difficulty level.

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