Super Hit Pak : River Raid / Grand Prix / Fishing Derby / Sky Jinks / Checkers

Atari 2600
Maj le 2020/05/10 16:58:44 parAlexandreRio

Nom du jeu : Super Hit Pak : River Raid / Grand Prix / Fishing Derby / Sky Jinks / Checkers

Plateforme : Atari 2600

Region : Europe (PAL)

Année de sortie :

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Nombre de joueurs :

Code Barre (EAN):

Synopsis : A five-in-one game pack. River Raid - Viewed from a top-down perspective, the player flies a fighter jet over the River of No Return in a raid behind enemy lines. The player's jet can only move left and right—it cannot maneuver up and down the screen—but it can accelerate and decelerate. The player's jet crashes if it collides with the riverbank or an enemy craft, or if the jet runs out of fuel. Assuming fuel can be replenished, and if the player evades damage, gameplay is essentially unlimited.

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